Obama postula a otra mujer para la Corte Suprema

Se trata de Elena Kagan, actual procuradora general de EE.UU. El presidente estadounidense destacó su "excelencia, integridad y pasión por la ley". Ahora el Senado deberá aprobar el nombramiento.

WASHINGTON. Barack Obama y el vicepresidente Joseph Biden anuncian que han propuesto a la procuradora general, Elena Kagan como candidata para ocupar la vacante en el Tribunal Supremo. (AP)

El presidente estadounidense, Barack Obama, designó formalmente hoy a la procuradora general Elena Kagan como jueza de la Corte Suprema de Justicia y llamó al Senado a aprobar su nombramiento al destacar que hasta el momento demostró "excelencia, integridad y pasión por la ley y será una líder".

Si es ratificada en la Corte, Kagan será la tercera mujer en un máximo tribunal de nueve miembros. En la corte ya trabajan las jueces Sonia Sotomayor, de ascendencia puertorriqueña, y Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Y a los 50 años, también se convertirá en la jueza más joven en la Corte.

En un discurso de presentación junto a su candidata, Obama dijo que Kagan traerá excelencia, independencia, integridad y pasión a la Corte Suprema. Y Kagan afirmó que el hecho de haber sido nominada a la Corte Suprema es "el honor de toda una vida".

El Senado determinará si Kagan será quien reemplace al juez en proceso de jubilación John Paul Stevens. Los demócratas controlan la Cámara alta con 59 votos, uno menos del que necesitarían para evitar una posible maniobra obstruccionista de los republicanos contra la nominación.

Siete republicanos votaron por la nominación de Kagan para que fuera procuradora general, lo que hace improbable que ese partido pueda unificarse lo suficiente como para emprender una maniobra que frene el proceso.

(Fuente: Agencias)

Mail of Mr. President Barack Obama

Elena Kagan
de  Barack Obama <info@barackobama.com>

para  Juan Martin Nuñez <farodelautopia@gmail.com>

fecha10 de mayo de 2010 16:44
asunto  Elena Kagan
enviado por  bounce.bluestatedigital.com

Juan Martin --

Today, it is my great honor to nominate our Solicitor General, and my friend, Elena Kagan, to be the next justice of the United States Supreme Court.

As I send my nomination to the Senate, I wanted to record a special message for you that I hope will help us launch a national discussion.

Take a minute to watch this video, and then help me to introduce Elena to your friends and family by passing it on.+


Elena is widely regarded as one of the best legal minds of her generation -- earning praise from across the ideological spectrum throughout her career. Above all, she is a trailblazer. She wasn't just the first woman to serve as dean of Harvard Law School -- she was one of its most beloved and successful leaders, building a reputation for openness to other viewpoints and skill in working with others to build consensus. These were some of the many reasons why I selected her to be my Solicitor General, the nation's chief advocate -- the first woman to hold that post as well.

Her work as Solicitor General has allowed me to see firsthand just why Elena is particularly well-suited to the Court: She has not only a keen understanding of the law, but also one that is rooted in a deep awareness of its impact on people's lives. Last year, she made that clear -- choosing the Citizens United case as her first to argue before the Supreme Court, defending bipartisan campaign finance reform against special interests seeking to spend unlimited money to influence our elections.

Now, I look forward to the prospect of Elena taking her seat alongside Justice Ginsberg and Justice Sotomayor. For the first time, our nation's highest court would include three women, ensuring a Court that would be more inclusive, more representative, more reflective of us as a people than ever before.

When Justice Stevens wrote me to announce his retirement, I knew that the Court would be losing a standard bearer. And I felt a responsibility to nominate an individual capable of being that same guiding force, a consistent voice of reason on the Court.

I am certain I have made the right choice. As you learn more about Elena, I am confident you'll see what I do -- that she is a voice we need on the Supreme Court.

Please watch the message -- and share it with others:


Thank you,

President Barack Obama


Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This email was sent to: farodelautopia@gmail.com