This new essay of the Bachelor of Psychology, Ph.D. in Logotherapy Juan Martín Núñez, continues the saga of previous writings of deep humanist and Christian inspiration. Here there is exhibited by Patagonian freshness the renewed hope that from finisterris, the south of the South, is projected continentally by means of events of political roots and the self-sacrificing educational example of the pioneers salesianos, born educators, who with his experience demonstrate us in the practice that a new class of system can develop, less wild and individualistic, more altruistic and community.    

 The South also resists!

eureka, the system can be defeated!

  Friends, it let's know all with happiness, a new time of hope has begun. And this is not strictly a chronological time, although it includes it. As explicité in other of my writings (global Crisis, transcendent ethics and piety: the myth of the eternal comeback) a mythical time exists, a sacred non-historical, related time with the eternity, which is lived by means of the prayer, meditation, and invocators rituals of the divine essential gestures. This sacred time is re-updated periódically and in an eternal comeback it turns us to tuning in to the sources of the sacred thing and the real thing, we are made possible by an interior personal experience that turns us to relating with the Cosmos, re-place us in the ethical way, in the religious transcendency of our human existence and in the real sense of our life, facing her towards a full spiritual development, her saving of nothing and of the death, constituting to the historical events as a new dimension of the God's presence in the world, already with a trans-historical end: the salvation of the man. For the watchful eye of those that by means of the intuition we investigate internally occurring of the times, this opportunity has appeared again, perhaps they not all receive her still (“ many will be so-called, small the elected ones ”) but the collective invocation and the requests before so much suffering have been listened, and the ebb, the interior comeback to this pure, original, sacred existence, has recommenced, and with her the regeneration of the human being and of the social damaged textile. The interior signs that the poets, intuitive and dreamy we visualize indicate it with clarity, and gradually they will reach a full external expression and will be perceived in the daily life.

Before going on to the world consideration of the above mentioned situation, I her would like to connect with some simple events that us are nearby, to be able then to understand it in his real global dimension.

It escapes from nobody that we are on the south, and precisely from the south of the south, of the most southern of our ground and of the Earth, a political qualitative change has been gestated; without doing distinction of political faction, a new and more just form of resolution of the social problems has begun to be executed, a new paradigm of more united behavior is explained, and a renewed regional vision demonstrates and is accompanied on hopeful expectation by other nations and political leaders of the whole America, anxious of replace the region more equally  in the context of the world exchange. 

The example salesiano (*): knowledge for all.  (*) of the Catolic Order of San Francisco de Sales.

In this positive frame, and as example of what can the worry of the human spirit despite the lack of means and the distance of the big urban centers, I surprised pleasantly to discover in Internet an educational - cultural project called Infociber-ISES, developed by the Institute Salesiano of Superior Studies of Río Gallegos, province of Santa Cruz, Argentina,  with the collaboration of the Worthy Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico, and under the patronage of the CONSUDEC, Superior Council of Catholic Education, tending to make the access to the knowledge possible by means of the economic computer and Internet hardware to the biggest persons' quantity, without there are an obstacle his conditions of poverty or weakness, which it constitutes an extremely virtuous target since it points at the full spiritual development of the human person by means of the double slope of the securing of the knowledge and his later application in the labor world, putting emphasis in the training along the whole life, the access to the culture and to the full empleability for all, visualizing the work as supreme dignity of the man. 

Our southern brothers crystallize this way a dream and forge a utopia, realizable good by the way: to generate a simple data bank to allow a rapid and systematical access to the contents that are needed, arranging by means of a simple scientific classification based on the CDU, Decimal Universal Classification designed by Dewy in 1876, all the existing human dispersed and untid knowledge in Internet. This classification based on ten fundamental classes been ordained from 0 to 9 (Generalities, Philosophy, Theology - religion, Social Sciences - Right, Philology - linguistics, Pure Sciences, Applied Sciences, Beautiful Applied Arts - arts, Literature, History - geography) is built going from the general thing to the particular thing, and every class subdivides also in ten subclasses. This CDU is structured in folders opened in the domestic PC or in a library, or a school, and in the same ones there is stored the whole material that one finds in Internet and the links or leagues that they send to them, making the best access possible thus not only for his later study, but always to stimulate during his development a creative - analytical process of great worth in the pupil, with the sight of awakening his soul to the world of the knowledge, to providing it with human positive values and favoring his spiritual growth, based on the words of your Holiness Juan Pablo II: " if we manage to live through the order as option of life, the immediate effect will be the serenity that will invade our fortitude and our existence, and this is the peace, or at least our contribution so that it is achieved ”. Those who want to deepen so meritorious work salesiana, can consult more details of the same one on his web page: http: // 

Now then, it might be said that this are outlying, remote, distant, insignificant events, which have to see nothing nor influence to the big centers of world power, nevertheless it is not like that, and I happen to explicie why.

System is quite

Often we speak about system, that the system is this and the different thing, it is perverse, harmful, a mercantilist, inhumanly, etc, and the majority of the times with good reason, but we have the tendency to forget and to neglect a fundamental conception: always, for intrinsic definition of what is a system, we develop our life inside him. Always, we liked or not, we are inside the system and in relation with systems; we are surrounded by thousands of systems, small, medium and big, the whole life is in reality a system, of major or minor complexity, with major or minor order or organization. It can be a cell, a rabbit as alive organism, a human being complete or conceived as the integration of his respiratory, circulatory, digestive systems, etc; a social system or community integrated by workers, teachers, technicians, clergymen, doctors, etc; ethnys inside a country, blocks of countries inside regions of the world, planets grouped concerning a refulgent star or the sun, solar systems turning concerning a galaxy of million stars, million galaxies turning concerning the universe and this way up to the infinite of our imagination.

When we start reflecting on this reality, also we begin to realize that his basic nature is an interaction, and according to the theory of the systems a modification in an element of the system, for smaller that it is, it changes the whole system. His unstable balance does that is re-constituted again and it is already not the same, his structural characteristic changes, up to his axis or center it can change, which earlier was to the north now can be on the south, which earlier was the center can happen to be the periphery, and vice versa (“ the last ones will be the first ones ”), sometimes also his functions are even modified.

The system can be changed

The fundamental concept to understanding, is that the system, for his own structure, is easily influenced, modifiable, malleable, perfectible, long-suffering of being provided and of acquiring new qualities and redeeming more appropriately his functions: the history of the human evolution like that proves it, there is a long way from the australopitecus and the cromagnon up to the homo sapiens, from the primitive bonfire up to Internet. And in this sense, the ideas move to the world and continue being the most important thing; the poets, writers, idealists, deliberate well politicians, the fighters of the human spirit, the builders of dream and utopias, since they it were in his time between other Gandhi, Luther King, Lumumba, Churchill, Guevara, Pasteur, Gibrán, Martí, Mistral, Eva Perón, Emerson, Don Bosco, Schweitzer, the Mother Teresa and today Juan Pablo II, are all examples of how driving a life it influences to the system of the life in his set, and although in the actuality we are present at the dominating pretension of a hegemonic potency we must neither lose hope nor give in, the ideal ones of fighting for a better life, with education, health, safety, freedom, employment and housing deigns for all, also they are a patrimony of the majority of the individual members of this ostensible potency and of the humanity quite, it is a question of working on these coincidences, to strengthen these positive ideas - forces with dedicated task of political persuasiveness at level of societies and countries and the system of to little will be reaching another qualitative, more balanced, reasonable and just level, the important thing is to understand that we all are inside the system, and that there is no small action without result. Any big or small event affects it in his set, it will be able or do not turn immediately, but when certain total of events they happen, the system suffers a qualitative change and transforms in new other, is perfected, of there the title of the note, which now we see it would be not so much that it can be conquered, but it can be transformed; along this note for the interaction of the elements - ideas the concept - system changed, of conquered changed to transformed.

To encompass the knowledge and the kindness

The globalization, although in some aspects it has been traumatic and wild for the emphasis in a capitalist economicism lacking in human values, into the conceptual sense that here we explore can go so far as to turn and to transform in something positive, as for constituting an aspect relational deeper between all the human beings without distinction of races, places or economic systems, being Internet the best sample of this, something that our brothers salesianos, accustomed, to visualizing in the southern distance near to the immensity, saw with midday clarity; it is something like martial art of the jujitsu, who defends himself in reality it does not do the minor effort, only it turns away for another target the force that the enemy applies; this is similar, to the same hardware with which one hurts they are awarded a new direction and apply them to him for the good, the capital can be reoriented (for persons imbued with political noble intentions and human transcendent values) to social charitable goals: construction of housings, schools, hospitals, ways, etc; this way the encompassed system will stop being wild and individualistic to be altruistic and community.

In major or minor measurement, they influence both the small daily acts, and the big world events, let's ponder for example what tremendous perturbation would suffer the human system if for example aliens were arriving tomorrow to relating his civilization to ours, or without going further if Christ's prophesied comeback was taking place to the ground; the stir would be enormous and the human values would change trascendently, since there would be glimpsed by all clarity the reality of the spiritual life and the uselessness of thinking about how to accumulate excessive material goods. With our modest one to gesticulate daily, working, studying, cultivating us, we are sowing the seed of an interior change of our own system of ideas and values (hence the importance of the education), and also a foreign exchange of the system of human, economic, political relations and of all kinds in which we live. Although the evil still has not been defeated completely, at least it is more outlying, the egoism and excessive emulation of wealth and power is more visualized as a negative factor for the spirit; the peoples claim with just reason to end with the wars, the famine, the misery, the ignorance, the unemployment and the social exclusion. The more education let's acquire, the more we will progress spiritually and will evolve individually, the more positive interaction we will produce cooperatively between all and the more rapid and ideally there will evolve the system in which we move and have our being: it is already the family, the small community quagmire, the society, the nation, the region, the world, the Cosmos finally, which will re-feed the individual and social evolution in an evolutionary spiral of divine unlimited perfection, to image and resemblance of the Creator.

That's why friends, on unbreakable faith in this new time of hope, under this celestial inspiring Cross of the South, accompany us to cultivating the dream and utopias, which are paradoxically the only imperishable reality, so that from these distant limits we make him know to the world that not everything is lost, that ... the South also resists!

                                                                                                      Lic. Juan Martín Nuñez

Bachelor of Psychology (U.B.A.-University Buenos Aires). Work in External Offices of Medical Psychology of the Hospital of Clinics. Teacher of the Chair of Medical Psychology of the Faculty of Medicine (U.B.A.) and of the Chair of Psychological Orientation of the Faculty of Psychology (U.B.A.) . Participant of journeys, seminars, congresses and courses of specialization. Formation in Compared Religions, Oriental Philosophy and Spiritual Philosophy, Lucis Foundation Argentina-Arcane School England. Two-annual formation Logoteraphistt, Foundation Argentina of Logoterapia. Ph.D. (Posdegree Threeannual) in Logotherapy in Catholic University Argentina-UCA. Master Studies in Psychology University of El Salvador. Cultural Adviser of Mutual Asociation Custom Employees-AEANA. Creator and leader of the political, educational grouping and cultural web site Faro of the Utopy. Member of the Academy of the National Thought. Representative in the Federal District of the Educational - cultural Projects INFOCIBER-ISES and AIKE TO DO MORE of the Institute Salesiano of Superior  Studies-ISES of Rio Gallegos, Province of Santa Cruz, Southern Patagonia Argentina, (with professional contribution in both), developed as a whole with the Worthy Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico, under the patronage of the CONSUDEC, Superior Council of Catholic Education. Tutor of the Section Psychology of the web page of the I.S.E.S.. Achievement of Design, Writing, Style, Collation and Theoretical Content (psychological, philosophical, cultural, religious) of the Project U.N.E.S.C.O. in Argentina. Lecturer, Essayer, Writer and Journalist (as Professional Collaborator).

E-mail of the Author:          Rights Author Reg. N°256846 (DNDA) 

Santos Lugares, Argentina, On June 8, 2003 



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