World-wide crisis: we must to change the economic value$ by ethical and spiritual values

Second Foundation of the Utopia

My brothers and sisters of all over the world, this message that I'm going to transmit you in October 2008 is not one more, these that we are crossing world-wide are historical original foundations moments by the changes which are going to happen and which must happen, and that they will inescapably affect all the Humanity; if we become aware of it will be facilitate without a doubt our walk along the path of spiritual evolution, that increasingly more clearly we begin to distinguish ahead of ourselves. Here seated in front of my computer, in a beautiful morning of spring in Santos Lugares (suburban place near Buenos Aires, Argentina) where at this moment to sing of the birds is only listened, and while I try that our pets Loli, Canela and Wendy -the little dog dachshund, the other little maltese and the beige cat-  do not commit more pranks than the habitual ones, I think like to transmit the message to you that clearly  has been inspired me during the meditation of these last days. 


I believe that one of the most comprehensive forms to be setting out the situation is to put in clear some concepts on which for years I had insisted on, and that the reality  -or what to the majority it tangibly seems to be real-  at least proved that were rightly, obviously with the inexorable step of the time . First I suggest to you to read again Lucisterris (First Foundation of the Utopia), the presentation of the international website   Faro de la Utopía-Lighthouse of Utopia  , where in 2004 were established the spiritual bases and comprehensive tools for a more correct understanding of the present situation of world-wide economic crisis -that in this document in fact reveals itself like a crisis essentially of ethic cause-,  and of the crisis or fall of the atheistic posmodern values that are without doubt the true causes of similar setback social and individual in the development of the communitarian life of the people (was expressed in Lucisterris  : .."the crisis that whips our planet with the globalization of wild Capitalism is essentially spiritual, ethical and of values. We do not have to be discouraged either, generally no one is a prophet in his own land and the pioneer ideas are only recognized in its value long after, much later”, perhaps we should to think that times are shrinking rapidly and for our own good we must be facing these critical situations now).


We will go then analysing some important concepts synthetically that I will try to brighten up with the transmission of some individual experiences that already begin to happen planetarily as way to be linking our individual behaviour with that expected of us in community. For this, and to understand better what we are commenting, I again suggest to you to read newly some of my writings in Faro de la Utopía-Lighthouse of Utopia  like for example: Revalue the Ethics: the present imperative,  The South also resists! ,  The adolescence in the posmodernity, crisis and opportunities,  Global Crisis, Trascendent Ethics and religiousness, the myth of the eternal return,   What the bleep is this movie?,   Mochono and its philosophical enigma,   Urgent Letter from the Santos Lugares (Holy Places),  and others of outstanding authors like the Lawyer in Political Sciences Eduardo Bustelo Graffigna:  "Moral poverty - Reflections on amoral social policy and the possible utopia” ,  and of the Theologian and Ecologist Leonardo Boff:  "The Utopias of the Theologian and Ecologist Boff" , and of the Philosopher, Humanist and Hindu Medical Doctor Sri Swami Pranavananda Saraswati:  Sri Swami Pranavanda Saraswati: his World-wide Mission,  and so on.  This set of humanistic ideas as a whole oriented to trascendence will serve us and is important for to give us an idea of the unsalvable flaws in the system of values atheistics, individualistic, egoistic and lacking in solidarity on which is based the economic and financial system of wild Capitalism or neutronic Capitalism  (it leaves the buildings standing on but it destroys the human beings); and also we find it helpful to go beginning to glimpse an intimate approachment with transcendent spiritual values that for the simple growing influence of the soul and own internal spirit inevitably more sooner or later it will occur in each person and may vary according to their characteristics and circumstances of life, without importing too much at this critical time the external details; some will feel attracted by the Judaism, others by the Christianity (Juan Pablo II: cuatro desafíos tiene el mundo en 2005, la vida, el pan, la paz y la libertad), the Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, the Yoga Philosophy, the spiritual philosophies as the teachings of Alice Bailey:  My work (by the Master Djwhal Khul, the Tibetan) and the Great Invocation - Lucis Foundation, or perhaps forms more undressed of the strictly religious thing like the aesthetic, the art and the beauty, but always imbued with an universal feeling  and transcendent love oriented to feel and practice the Supreme Good in relation to the neighbour that increasingly will be recognized as a You, an Other to whom not to exclude or to exploit, a companion of route in the evolutionary footpath to whom generously we must tender the hand to help him to advance.


 If we meditate a little on the concepts outlined above, we will discover that indeed the present world-wide crisis although it has an economic manifestation, in at its root is undoubtedly a crisis of ethical basis. The economic disaster has been caused by the fraudulent and robbery behaviors of the financial and banking sectors that with total greed for years have swindled to very many people in all the countries without regardless of which they condemned people to the poverty, the hunger, the misery, the social exclusion; evidently the values that guided their conducts have not been humanistic, spiritual and shared in common, they only sought for to increase their wealth and economic power at any price, to respect Michael Moore does a realistic, stark and very lucid analysis of what happened in the Mecca of capitalism in a valuable document: Michael Moore is proposing its own rescue plan in the U.S. faced with the crisis of the capitalist system where we can clearly see the misconduct without any moral ethic that caused this cataclysm. On the other hand, and as usual there is no ill wind that blows nobody any good, moreover this tsunami is causing a shock in the consciences of citizens of the country symbol of capitalism (and of course in other countries no less important, I would say that throughout the orb). It has forced them to rethink an expensive lifestyle and that so far characterized them until today, which did not take care for anything of the environment (for example using great cars at gasoline generating enormous pollution that destroys the ozone layer quickly and defrosts the poles, devastation of the few forests that are being in the planet causing the extinction of the green spaces so necessary for the oxygenation of life, etc). This egoistic waste of resources pretending that are unlimitled and their use for selfish aims and merely hedonistic intentions, jointly with the swindle to the citizens and the illegal appropriation of their economic and/or real estate possessions are practices that must end now, not because we say it, but simply because the American citizens and of other developed or developing countries already have experimented in own meat so that the life system is impossible and collapses sooner or later as it is today happening. The global hecatomb is of economic credit (credere) and of human credibility, the confidence of all the present capitalist system has been lost, it trumpeted that the free action of the market without any kind of state regulation was the universal solution; now all collapsed and it verified the fallacy and lie of this erroneous and interested paradigm, even in the same USA had to be taken interventionist state measures, to nationalize banks, to inject funds, but it has been a delayed reaction that did not provide any basic solution. This has taken to understand as well that are the ideological pillars and guides operating system and targets-goals of the system those that need to change; the structure of the present system has collapsed and has no meaning, it does not have more adjustment, is no possible rescueparty and we will be perceiving it in the collapse of the monopolies, the banks, stock markets and stock exchanges, more dedicated recently to the speculation and the dark business that to the genuine commerce, in the increasing recession, unemployment, slowing production; the only thing that can be validly made with the current economic system is to redefine it in its ethical guidance to make it an effective tool in the service of production and work, and that through a new genuine planning credit truly contribute funds to boost production –and stop to swindle to the citizens-, to develop public works, to create jobs, to redistribute better the gains, to facilitate the oriented basic consumption to the feeding, to develop a real policy of houses for all with loans that can be paid, prohibiting the outsourcing of mortgages and incorporating committees of monitoring conformed by citizens throughout all the economic chain. It is not necessary to move either to the other extreme, to an socializing collectivism of State at any cost that chokes to the citizen and annuls their individual freedoms and human rights, that system has failed and we all know it.  The new system organized on ethical basis would have to take advantage of the new technologies, but putting them to the service of an authentic social development planning, having a tendency towards a coordinated world order that urgently look for and with priority the inclusion of the majorities, the reduction of the world-wide hunger and the poverty, and go gradually adapting the structures of the intervening actors (banks, financial, stock exchanges, international trade) to this new reality; those that thus do not perceive it simply will disappear, there is no more time for new experiments, swindles or lies, and the possible sacrifice and pain must primarily be assumed by the powerful, the owners of the global wealth, the millionaires owners of great fortunes and vast amount of property that live in a fictitious materialistic bubble while the dispossessed and exploited masses suffer around the world by not being able to feed themselves, to get dressed, to buy a house; and it is right that the hardest load be assumed by the rich, they have so much and will not take notice of the effort; the planet belongs to everyone and we should all enjoy it, the planet can not belong more to a privileged minority who selfishly enjoy of their wealth to the detriment of the great majorities excluded from the property and human life with dignity.


With regard this, for example in the U.S.A. have already begun to notice signs of a return of citizens to a lifestyle more frugal and sensible, not as consumerist as usual until today, they return to pay more attention to which it is bought to feed themselves and to get dressed, not so much scrap food, not to make unnecessary expenses and wastes, to care more money, to move on to one economic car and not to have three, etc., and at the same time to begin to live more house life, to be more time on family activities and not that are strictly business, to attend religious services more. These are small signals but go in the right direction, gradually the life style must be adapted to the spiritual values, we must take conscience that the presence of the human being on the Earth has a transcendent meaning, that is not haphazard but targeting an internal development to discover our true being, it is imperative to return to God, and that it would be good to try to approach us to Him as lightest and undressed of ornaments as possible, remember that the humble carpenter from Galilee said: "let children and the poor (humble) come to me, of them is the Kingdom of Heaven". Mainly all the leadership of any kind would have to especially take notice of this, specially the politicians which so many preoccupations cause us with their tricks and misconducts, and this applies to any guidance which they have, because the important matter is if they realise works for the well-being of the set of the citizenship with independence whatever position that claim to have, conservative or progressive - that in practice  are responsible  to contradict-, or only become rich using their function. In such sense, considering the global crisis economic but because ethical root, for the unjust selfish concept of  excessive enrichment whose consequences affect everyone, it might be good to get established as Michael Moore raised regarding the houses and cars, a limitation on the potential for individual enrichment, besides the meaningless it has, because while there are millionaires that have 50 houses are families which do not have where to live. An idea could be that a family could have at the most (for example) up to 5 properties maximum, and so their residential needs would be covered very well, being able even to use some to rent or to holiday, in case this family would want to buy more properties previously in the zone where resides would have to build a communitarian hospital with instrumental equipment; in the event of getting to 10 properties should then to build a home for the elderly, and so forth make buildings every 5 more which have, perhaps limited to a maximum top of up to 20 properties altogether, and something similar in terms of money, why so many millions, so much excessive and unproductive ambition when that capital could put into action to serve the fellow, it is clear that if only a small group gets richer and the working majority barely survives, the distribution mechanism wealth is poorly raised or wrong and should be corrected. It would be enough to be able to facilitate access to each family at least one single family dwelling (such as direct example of inequity and iniquity of the economic system I comment that this is not easy here where we spent several economic cataclysms, and I think that today anywhere, in my personal case I have not obtained it yet, I continue paying an endless loan by the very modest family home we live). In these days Pope Benedict XVI was on the matter very clear when mentioning that we are seeing that the foundations of capitalism today are nothing, just worthless paper, it is necessary to return to God and Christian values,  to the conduct and procedures that will lead us to alleviate the suffering of others, do not try to be millionaires in dollars, adorned with gold and jewels, being luxurious while others can not feed themselves, is not right to think that the goal of life is to be enriched, buy a luxury car , properties, as sometimes heard to proclaim some politician or some postmodern atheist philosopher sponsored by the capitalist system that tells us about the consumerism hedonism without sense of shame; aware that this is not freedom, under the conditions of the present world so humanly unfair, so critical ecologically and so unjust economically, that's libertinism, profligacy. Remember the example of the Lord of Love and Sacrifice and of the Light of Asia, Jesus and Buddha, both mendicant monks who lived austerely preaching and walking the ways with the mesh of the fisherman of souls, which gave the advice of : "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also,..,You cannot serve both God and Money”;…”Get the spiritual knowledge, it realises the illumination and you will be free and happy".  We must value the charitable and compassionate attitudes of the Mother Teresa of Calcutta or Gandhi, Pope John Paul II and all the saints of the different religions and philosophies, perennial examples of lives oriented spiritually to humility and service to the humanity that is service to God.


Sisters and brothers mine, here falls the dusk of a day shaken for the world, the owl of Minerva raises flight in time and wisdom comes before our eyes. In spite of the adverse and complex present conditions of life, we must keep calm, the contact with our own spiritual being will provide us the peace that goes beyond to all understanding and we will learn to tolerate without to accuse ourselves the still existing mistakes of our personalities, that we will go with patience and tenacity correcting as we move forward and it is increasingly diluted more and more in the nascent christical spirit: "..Christ in you, hope of glory”. Also we must have greater indulgence towards the other people's mistakes without for that reason stopping expressing our sincere opinion firmly. We also must have faith and hope, the illuminated footpath is before us, today is clearer its perception by the Humanity, each one will be finding and constructing its own silver bridge and will follow his more suitable course to arrive at the eternal spiritual richness, that I can assure you is better than the economic fleeting.  Let us read inspired writings, study more than we can, the dominion of the energies of the diverse constituent bodies of the human being is a demanding but fruitful task to discover our place in the evolutionary scheme and to cooperate with it; just as the practice of the evocation and invocation of the spiritual light, the prayer and the meditation, this is a time of spiritual effort and urgency, the understanding of the mysteries of God open us new perspectives to appreciate better his greatness: "Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you”; follow the inner inspiration that is the best guide, gradually from the intellect will arrive at the accurate intuition of the spirit who does not fail.  From the other bank along the journey of the disciple many affectionate hands and voices of aid encourage to us to continue, as far blinks the unwithered white light of the Christ of whose igneous heart flows a torrent of indescribable Love for each and everyone of us, and when the fatigue, the fear and the loneliness attack us, always we must get attention and listen to its warm voice saying to us:  “D´ont be afraid, here I am with you until the End of the Times".


Juan Martín Nuñez , Psychologist (UBA-Buenos Aires University ) Ph.D. in Logotherapy (Argentina Catholic University), Founder and Principal of the International Website Faro de la Utopía-Lighthouse of Utopia , Santos Lugares, Argentina, 2008